Showing posts with label Introduction Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introduction Guide. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2007

SAP List Viewer - ALV

SAP List Viewer : Implementation – Introduction Guide


  1. Introduction of ALV
  2. Features of ALV
  3. Technical overview - Object Oriented
  4. Technical overview -ALV
  5. Events related to ALV
  6. Methods for handling ALV
  7. Implementation go thru
  8. Implementation Summary
  9. Appendix – A
  10. Appendix- B (Properties of the ALV Grid Control)
Download the Guide - PDF Format

Introduction of ALV

The ALV Grid Control (ALV = SAP List Viewer) is a flexible tool for displaying lists. The tool provides common list operations as generic functions and can be enhanced by self-defined options.

As custom report writing results the output in plain list format and a very few events can be captured and dealt with using Selection Screen . The end had zero control on modifing the output .The hardcoded reports are very inflexible at the users end And small changes required enough programming efforts i.e more time and labour.

Considering all the features ALV grid control provides the best solution. ALV grid control captures the data and displays it , along with the options for the user to handle accordingly. As a complete toolbar is provided in the grid to act on the displayed data like SORT –Ascend. Or Descend. , Find/Search , Filter one or more Columns , Totals/Subtotals , print , Export data and user defined tools.The grid also provides a series of events that can be used to handle the users action and a max level of comfort is provided to the enduser.